Monday, November 28, 2011

Fail. Big Epic Fail.

I am a little embarrassed to admit this...but I haven't posted on this blog since March. Ya know, my first attempt at getting back into shape. Well...that was a big epic fail. Then my motivation was Kazapalooza. I couldn't imagine getting into a bathing suit and meeting all my Kaz buddies. What did I do? I got a big ole horrible bathing suit and tried not to think about it. I survived. Just barely. Well not just barely because if it was just barely I would have got on the diet train as soon as we got home. Which....I didn't do.
What did I do?
-ate alot of Chipotle
-ate alot of subway cookies
-ate alot pancakes. Damn you Bob Evans.
-ate quite a bit of candy. Mallow Cups are my weakness.
-ate huge portions. Think Shrek sized. Yes, I'm so ashamed.
-ate some serious fast food. Really fast.

So fast forward to the end of September.
What did I do?
-haven't had Chipotle. Not even once.
-haven't had a cookie.
-haven't went to Bob Evans at all. I do miss the pancakes though.
-the only candy I've had is a fun size York Peppermint Patty. 50 calories.
-the portion police have paid a visit. I had a huge fine. Like 30 pounds.
-no fast food. None.
-and I gave up meat. Best thing I ever did. Not even kidding.

So what am I doing?
-running on the treadmill.
-Turbo Fire
-1200 calories a day diet
-My Fitness Pal on my phone
-lots of motivation

Where am I?
-20 pounds lost
-2 jeans sizes down
-several inches off various parts of my body

Who's with me?