Thursday, December 29, 2011


My motivation board...right above my treadmill.

I've been asked:
-are you losing weight so you can leave your husband?
-are you losing weight because you husband wants you to?
-why are you so motivated? There HAS to be a reason.

Holy shit people are rude. First and foremost I'm losing weight for ME. Plain old me, because honestly I want to be a hot mama again. My hot fat mess days are over. I can't believe people would assume I'm losing weight so I can find another man, or because my husband wants me to. I'm sure the hubby wants the hot mama MILF wife instead of the hot mess MILTNELA (mother I'd like to not even look at) that I was. Was I that bad? No. But I sure as hell felt like I was.
So where am I? Freaking 3 pounds from my first goal- to lose 30 pounds by New Years Day. 3 pounds. I want that 3 pound loss so bad. I might actually cry if I make it. I've lost 3 pounds in a week a few times, but since I started this diet October 1st, I've been a pretty steady 2 pounds a week..with a couple 1 pound losses thrown in. Ugh I might cry if I only lose 1 pound this week. Looks like either way I'll be crying.
So where do I want to be? I want to lose the last 18 pounds to my goal weight. I want to be muscular. I want to run a half marathon. I will do all these things. I will make a certain someone eat her words too.
So motivation is this:
-to never have a muffin top again.
-to never have my fat thighs rub together again.
-to never be called a fat wife again (these are the words that will be eaten..and no hubby didn't say this!)
-to never have a fupa.
-to never ever ever have fat pants again.

There. That's my motivation.