Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Betcha can't eat just one...

No shit. That's why I'm here. I'm quite a bit smaller than I was but it is a daily struggle. Like today, while eating my delicious Lean Cuisine, a show was featuring Crispy Cream Donuts. Fresh donuts. Warm donuts. Needless to say I wanted to lick the tv. Thankfully I was able to control myself. Small victories.
Becki 1...Donuts 0.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Do you know what I can't stand almost as much as fat cells? People who pick apart your diet. Don't get me wrong, if you are talking about diets with another person on a diet all is good. The tips flying back and forth could be good. It might actually help your diet. I'm talking about the person that has never been on a diet a day in her life. The person that wears size 0 and logged her food for one day, just for fun, and learned she consumes close to 3000 calories. I don't need to know that you swear eating cookies and donuts keeps you thin. I get it. We're all different. That freaking donut that you inhaled, that you will burn off by sneezing, would go straight to my butt. Immediately. I'm ok with that. I know my limits, and I know what works for me. So the next time you offer a large hot chocolate with extra cream and a muffin the size of my head, don't ask me three times if I'm sure. I'm sure.

Do you know what I can't stand almost as much as a muffin top? Diet haters. This is the person that is so jealous of your success that she finds ways to put you down. You can tell if a person is a diet hater, if you tell them you've lost 33 pounds and they say "Really? I guess I can tell....a little."  You should walk away from this person as quick as you can and ignore every word they said. If this said person is a friend..know they are not a good friend. Just don't let a diet hater get you down. Jealousy fuels nasty in a lot of people.

That's it for today.....I think.